Examples of How We Have Helped


Designed and implemented the first phase of an AI Driven progressive web app for collaborative research between sponsors, researchers and participants. A process driven program manages work through online research plan, and protects confidentiality of participants while they interact in the environment.

(algorithms: na; stack: Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Vuetify, Firestore)

Designed and implemented algorithms for a complex route optimization implementation using several algorithms for clustering, matrix optimization, and sorting to enable math to help humans solve the daily challenges of dispatching workers to the field, and addressing the intra-day changes that happen.

(algorithms: Kmeans, Traveling Saleman, Matrix sorting; stack: Python, Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Vuetify, Firestore)

Designed and implementing a customer data migration wizard for a SaaS business to enable their staff to scale their operations and onboard customers quickly with a self-service solution.

(algorithms: na; stack: Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Vuetify, Firestore)

Currently working on a series of algorithmic machine learning modules to help find best solutions in complex operational environments like “smart scheduling” jobs matching technicians with customers based on skill, location, and other parameters.

(algorithms: Combinatorics, Bipartite Graphs, Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree;

stack: Python, NetworkX, SciPy, SciKitLearn)

We have facilitated and designed a multi-year summit initiative for an industry consortium to enable their accomplishment of shared, complementary goals between the different organizations. Work includes running meetings and helping them establish group goals like a shared website, and a webinar series.

Designed a “meet up” solution that performed a complex sorting solution for to assign participants to a series of tables based on complex criteria, and integrated mobile text communication between the host organizer and participants during the event.

(algorithms: Combinatorics, Social Marriage, Social Golfer;

stack: Python, Twillio SMS API)

We have researched, designed and built machine learning analytics tools to deliver deeper understanding of constituencies and communities.

(algorithms: Deep Learning Nets, RNN/LSTM, NLP, Regression, Classification, Clustering, MVFA, PCA, feature analysis;

stack: Python, BERT, SpaCy, XLNet, SciKitLearn)

Recently prototyped eCommerce data and API integrations to Square and Shopify for a startup product road map

(algorithms: na; stack: Shopify, GraphQL, Square)

We helped company review the existing technology in the market, define their functional needs, then choose and prototype a solution for deployment

We have lead innovation and digital work for business leaders in transition, while they worked through organizational re-alignment or found critical, full time talent.

We serve as fractional C-Level leaders across a group of startups.

Feedback We’ve Gotten

“Always has a sense of urgency, drives things, keeps people focused, prioritizes well and chooses to recruit and hire very good people.”                    


“This is AWESOME! Man I never expected this to work so well. This is perfect. ”

- Founder of Startup

“Brave leader - not afraid to go where others won’t…has tapped into his ability to articulate a strategy, inspire, motivate and execute to a plan... overall a good leader/manager, good motivator, people enjoy working for him.”             

—Vice President, Large Tech Firm

“You wouldn’t believe how impressed they [exec team] were with your presentation. The report content was so thorough, you blew them away.”

- Project Lead

“The best partner to facilitate these programs…an amazing combination of smarts, humor, humility and vulnerability…”

— Director, Organizational Development

“I am a better listener and have more depth to my thinking…By far, among my favorite people to work with.”


See How We Could Help

We are happy to set up 30 minutes with you to understand what you are trying to accomplish and whether we have experience that could help.